About The Hawaii Directory
The Hawaii Directory is a free online directory of Hawaii websites, a Hawaii portal, designed to provide visitors with information and links to Hawaii-related websites. The website provides content and features that appeal to anybody who is interested in Hawaii.
Our mission is to spread the aloha spirit and enhance the online Hawaii community. The Hawaii Directory gives visitors the information they are searching for and gives website owners free visitors and free features for their websites.
All websites that are submitted to us are manually reviewed by a real human before being accepted into the directory. As this is a niche directory, websites that are not Hawaii-related will not be added to the directory.
Unlike other online directories and portals, The Hawaii Directory is not filled with annoying advertisements or pop-ups, nor does it accept payment for inclusion of a website into the directory. This site is 100% free - for both visitors and website owners. Charging a fee for inclusion into this directory would be a great disservice to both our visitors and website owners alike.